Tracker Bundy - SOLD

Sex: male
Colour: red and tan
Date of Birth: 23/4/17
Description: medium dog with prick ears

Sire: Tracker Alfie
Dam: Tracker Zoe
Breeder: David Hart
Registration: WKC Registered
CA Tests: Not tested. Not affected (as older than signs start).
Not a breeder anyway, has been castrated.


see here for conditions

(Images are yet to be added)

Temperament and personaLIty

Friendly, loyal, but reserved and quiet dog.


Working ability

Bundy has good potential in paddock and yard with sheep, but he has had very limited experience due to not enough work for all my dogs, but can be sent round a reasonably close mob and he generally has good distance and feel. I think solid work will see him improve out of sight.

He’s a bit of a Jeckyll and Hyde. He is boisterous, full on and noisy around the house yard, but is calm, quite and with distance and feel on sheep and quiet and well-behaved when with me on the bike.

Gentle on lambs, but at the same time can push the newborns along.

Rides the bike, but haven’t really tried to work him from the bike.

In the yards he will push and bark and work the side of the race, but he still has a bit to learn about being in the right place at the right time. Also has shown desire to back, but unfortunately I just haven’t had the opportunity to do too much with him, and frankly I rarely use backing, but he will do it. He’s had a few runs penning up too. I think he’ll come along reasonably well if he had some real work.

Done almost nothing on cattle, but not strong enough to work cattle alone.

Fair knowledge of working commands, sides, stop, come, lie down, hop up, push/speak.

However, Bundy is full of himself and likes to hear his own voice. He is a reactive barker and will bark at the other dogs or when playing, or when he can see me and other dogs out and he’s left behind. When none of that is happening he certainly does NOT just bark all the time. He’s quiet most of the day and night really, unless something really close like foxes.

Also boisterous around the house, wants to jump up. It’s all about him. He is certainly different to my other dogs.

However, take him out with you and he’s a different dog - he’s then quiet and well behaved, good staying on the bike.

As such Bundy will only be sold to a home where he pretty much gets to go with the owner most of the time or can laze around the house and not be left locked in a yard or kennel frequently while other work is going on.

He’s genuinely a nice-hearted dog, but a little over the top around the yard by my standards.

I don’t consider Bundy to be of breeding standard so he has been castrated, as it was just a nuisance having just one entire male when I have so many bitches.


Select the symbol with 3 white stripes and arrow at the top to see the playlist.

Note: I don’t bother to edit my videos, they show all the stupid and wrong things that occur. I also find it’s really difficult to properly work/command/control a dog and see the big picture and anticipate things when trying to video it with my phone and not really watching what’s going on properly, so it’s a long way from ideal. But you don’t just get the edited perfect version that a lot of other people might only show.