Tracker Rocket

Sex: female
Colour: black and tan
Date of Birth: 18/1/17
Description: smaller sized with prick ears

Sire: Eventine Comet
Dam: Tracker Evil
Breeder: David Hart, Tracker Kelpies
Registration: WKC Registered
Pedigree: Comet x Evil

—TO Excellent homes only. Details will be requested—

see here for conditions

(Images are yet to be added)

Temperament and personaLIty

A little shy, but friendly. Very keen. A little bit bossy with some other bitches, but not excessive.

Working ability

Well-started on sheep and cattle. NOT fully trained, and limited experience, so still makes mistakes. Still a bit impulsive through keenness and not 100% obedient, but coming along well.

Confident and good balance on sheep. Goes to the head of the mob well if they start moving too fast. Good balance of force and sensitivity.

Has a good long cast, reasonably direct. And will gather and bring sheep at a steady pace.

Rides the bike. 

Works cattle too, but not really strong enough alone.

Both parents work full time mustering cattle and educating weaners for David Hart in central Qld and are excellent dogs working in a team. They never work alone as they are always working mobs of 300+ with big distances and heat and do low stress work - not hard biting.

Reasonable side commands keep out, come, lie down, hop up.


Select the symbol with 3 white stripes and arrow at the top to see the playlist.

Note: I don’t bother to edit my videos, they show all the stupid and wrong things that occur. I also find it’s really difficult to properly work/command/control a dog and see the big picture and anticipate things when trying to video it with my phone and not really watching what’s going on properly, so it’s a long way from ideal. But you don’t just get the edited perfect version that a lot of other people might only show.